Tips on balancing office and family being a working mom

The word adjustment is significant for making life full of fun and happiness. The life of a woman changes when she becomes a mom. Even more so, when she is a working mom she needs to tune her life completely in a different way. Undoubtedly, it is tough to balance family life and professional life. Sometimes they get tired and stressed while managing their life. If you are on the same boat, then continue reading this article. We will help you cope with a busy life with some much needed advise.

working mom

How working mom balance their family and professional life?

There is no doubt that working moms are expert in multitasking. They can change diapers, cook dinner and at the same time attend a conference call. If you are also doing the same and think that you are not a perfect mom then go through the following points.
  • In our apparently progressive society, there is a hard and fast belief that fathers need to work for the family and mothers are for household duties. Times have changed and mothers too are bringing the bread to the family. So, you feel guilty that you are not with your child all the time, do not let the "mom guilt" consume you. Be positive and believe that the your contribution to the family helps your child to express love, respect and understand your effort.
  • You need to give the responsibility to a quality child care centre. If you don’t have any helping hand in your family then make sure that the babysitter or daycare centre you are opting for is reliable. You can ask your friends and colleagues for the most satisfying references.
  • As a working mom, you need to have an open conversation with your boss or manager. Dicuss on the need for  more flexibility in your work. Some people can think that working moms are less productive, but in reality, they are amazing multi-taskers. Not only will your office appreciate your open discussion, they will also be more understanding towards your new role.
These are few ways you can balance your life. Besides, this is team effort. Sit with your partner and discuss on how you both can share housework, stay organized with proper planning and stick a family calendar to the fridge!

To know more about being a productive working mom, click on the link to get more ideas on being an organized mom!


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